Friday, July 25, 2008

Wild at the Wetlands 2008!

A day of events at Cabragh Wetlands to celebrate Heritage Week 2008 will take place on Saturday 30th August from 1-5pm.

There will be two workshops sponsored by an Arts Grant from North Tipperary County Council to cater for adults and children. Placesf for these workshops is limited and registration is essential so please contact us using the details below if you are interested in attending the workshops to ensure that places are available.

1. The Studio, Holycross will facilitate an Art and Craft workshop for 20 children age 4 yrs and up.
Artist Mary Scott and Jackie Matthews will take you on a creative journey using clay, felt (sheep wool) and materialws from the natural environment, culminating in an Exhibition of Art With Nature. Cost of workshop is only €10

2. Philip Quinn on Stonemad, Holycross will run an introductory stone carving workshop. This is your chance to leave your mark (under expert guidance) on a large block that we hope will become the base of a permanent statue for the Wetland Centre. Places will be limited to about 6 and it will not be suitable for younger children. The cost of this workshop is also only €10

In addition to the workshops here will be an Open Afternoon, with guided walks of the education centre, bird hides and wetlands which will be suitable for all ages. The bird hide has a lift to reach it for those who are unable to use the stairs. Tea and light refreshments will be provided allowing a fun day for those of all age groups. Admission to all events apart from the workshops is free.
For further details Call 0504- 43879 ( mornings) Mobile 087-7962177 for more details or email

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